The Top Secret American Airline You Never Knew Existed

In the world there are over 400 airlines and people are able to recognize most of them or have heard their names at least once. But while most of the American Airlines Customer Service are well known to the general public, the name of this top secret airline doesn’t ring a bell to almost anyone.
While everyone is used to using services of Southwest, Delta or United, the selected few government workers in Nevada are using the top secret airline nobody knows about. The name of the airline is – wait for it – JANET.

Apparently, JANET is probably an acronym for Joint Air Network for Employee Transportation, at least according to Business Insider. But there is no official confirmation to that. The airline name JANET will not pop out on your computer screen while searching for a flight. It is because it is supposed to be a top secret government airline commuter shuttle.

In total, there are 11 aircrafts that fly from Las Vegas McCarran International Airport. They are bringing government workers to and from the Area 51. It the military base about 150 miles from Las Vegas.

The appearance of the aircraft of JANET might not cause any suspicion at first. They are white planes with a single simple red line along them. Six of the planes are Boeing 737-600, which are still used in commercial traveling. But what stands out about them is that they only take off from the Gold Coast Terminal. The terminal is known to be strictly forbidden to the general public and is only dedicated for JANET.

Although the JANET planes are only used for one destination as of today, they have been used to fly to Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio as well as to Edwards Air Force Base in California.


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